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Why you should invest in visual content in 2018

Written by Jason Herzog on . Posted in , , .

What’s the ROI on Visual Content?

It’s a brand-building effort that requires more time than, say, a promotion or ad campaign. You won’t see the ROI immediately, but any good investment in brand will pay off immensely over time. I gathered some stats to support this argument for our clients (partners) who need to bring hard data to their board or decision makers.

I’ll lead off by saying that I think we all get it on some level. Our world is becoming increasingly more and more visual. Social media is highly influential in the purchasing-decision process. People use memes to communicate thoughts and ideas (don’t even get me started). We live in an era where people don’t have the time, patience, or brain capacity to read long articles, magazines, and newspapers, so we have to show up where they do spend time (the internet!) and give them content that’s meaningful and consumable.

Ponder over these stats (and take ‘em to your boss if you need to!):

  • 78% of consumers believe that companies focused on custom content are more trustworthy than companies who simply churn out generic content. When companies create custom content, their audience is more likely to believe that the company cares about the consumer’s time.
  • Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than we process words.
  • 60.8% of marketers said visuals are absolutely necessary to their 2017 marketing strategy (source)
  • 35.5% of marketers said they would spend more than ⅓ of their entire marketing budget on visual content in 2017. (source)
  • 94% more page views when content has relative images (source)

Storytelling through images should be a key marketing decision for your brand in 2018. Images make you feel something, and people would rather hear a great story (and hopefully, be part of that story) than be sold something. Let’s get started – we’re here to help!